JCU Ireland Peacebuilding Program – May 2020

Participants from a JCU Ireland Peacebuilding Program trip

After taking courses in Irish Literature and Selves in Conflict, students from the John Caroll University’s Peace, Justice, and Human Rights Program will engage in a two-week academic immersion (May 10-24, 2020) in Northern Ireland and Ireland (Dublin, Belfast, Derry, Galway, and the West of Ireland). There, they will encounter the culture, geography, history, and lives of the unforgettable people—political leaders, former paramilitaries, victims, police, and peacemakers—who survived the Troubles and now work for peace and justice. They’ll end the trip in the West of Ireland, where students can explore Ireland’s beautiful landscape, history, and culture—and trace their own ancestral origins or meet relatives! More information is available here.

This video from the 2017 trip provides a closer look at the experience.