The seminar will take place virtually this year utilizing the CANVAS platform, Zoom, and Web Ex.
March 22, 2021 – April 16, 2021
Overview – pdf
Agenda – pdf
Call for Proposals/Participation (Deadline February 26, 2021) – docx
Hosts: The Ohio Peace and Conflict Studies Network (OPCSN), The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict’s Peace Education Working Group, and George Mason University’s Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Who Should Participate: College and university faculty, staff and administrators with peace and conflict studies programs and/or those interested in developing a program, center or degree at your college or university.
Costs ( a registration link will be sent to all applicants who have been accepted to participate by March 3rd, 2021):
· OPCSN member colleges and university faculty, staff or administrators – Free (proposal/application required)
· GPPAC member organizations that work with or represent colleges and universities in their countries – Free (proposal/application required)
· Faculty, staff or administrators representing colleges and universities in North America and Europe – $35 USD per person if accepted (proposal/application required). All proceeds will go toward an undergraduate scholarship for a student studying peace and conflict studies awarded at the annual Intl. Conference on Conflict Resolution Education.
· Faculty, staff, or administrators representing colleges and universities outside of those areas noted above, free if accepted (proposal/application required)
Space is limited to 30 participants
Over the years, hundreds of college and university faculty, staff and administrators from across the country and around the world have shared their good practices, how they overcame challenges, and gathered to enhance the good work they are doing or start a new program. We hope you will consider joining us!
1. Faculty, staff, and administrators from colleges and universities come together to work to further build capacity in their peace, conflict, and global studies courses, degrees, certificates, and related programming. All participants that attend are asked to participate and share their experience with their colleagues.
2. College faculty/staff and/or administrators will focus on capacity building around one or more of three core areas as they work to develop and enhance their action plans around:
a) Capacity Building and Sustainability of Programs
b) Course Development/Integration
c) Supplemental Programming
Questions? Please contact Jen Batton, OPCSN Network Coordinator, at +1-216-952-5609 (USA) or by e-mail